本帖最后由 TFollowerII 于 2014-2-14 16:55 编辑
副校长Joel Myrick(好人)举着他的Colt .45近距离对着那个高中男孩Luke Woodham(坏人)的头。Joel是这么描述当时的场景的:
Joel说: 你为什么要杀我学校的小孩子?
就在那一天早些时候,Luke割了他母亲的喉咙,然后抓起一把.30-30 lever action deer rifle。他在自己的风衣的口袋里装满了弹药,向密西西比州的Perl高中前进。
Joel看到凶手逃离校园,在挡风玻璃钱用枪指着Luke。当看到有枪指着他的头的时候,Luke的车撞了。Joel走近杀手和他相对。 “这就是杀死我学校的孩子的怪物,但当我把枪指着他的头,他就又变成孩子了,”Joel说。
现实不是模拟器,可以让我们计算出来如果没有Joel的武装制止,Luke还会多杀多少个。但是common sense告诉我,应该还有很多无辜的生命会被Luke伤害。
Joel在当助理校长以前是U.S. Army Reserve commander。虽然是有后备役背景,但是并不是说只有有军事、警察背景的人才能够制止犯罪。就像鲁班不曾毕业于木工大学一样。
Vice Principal Joel Myrick held his Colt .45 point blank to the high school boy's head. Last week, he told me what it was like. "I said 'why are you shooting my kids?' He said it was because nobody liked him and everything seemed hopeless," Myrick said. "Then I asked him his name. He said 'you know me, Mr. Myrick. Remember? I gave you a discount on your pizza delivery last week."
The shooter was Luke Woodham. On that day in 1997, Woodham slit his mother's throat then grabbed a .30-30 lever action deer rifle. He packed the pockets of his trench coat with ammo and headed off to Pearl High School, in Pearl, Miss.
The moment Myrick heard shots, he ran to his truck. He unlocked the door, removed his gun from its case, removed a round of bullets from another case, loaded the gun and went looking for the killer. "I've always kept a gun in the truck just in case something like this ever happened," said Myrick, who has since become Principal of Corinth High School, Corinth, Miss.
Woodham knew cops would arrive before too long, so he was all business, no play. No talk of Jesus, just shooting and reloading, shooting and reloading. He shot until he heard sirens, and then ran to his car. His plan, authorities subsequently learned, was to drive to nearby Pearl Junior High School and shoot more kids before police could show up.
But Myrick foiled that plan. He saw the killer fleeing the campus and positioned himself to point a gun at the windshield. Woodham, seeing the gun pointed at his head, crashed the car. Myrick approached the killer and confronted him. "Here was this monster killing kids in my school, and the minute I put a gun to his head he was a kid again," Myrick said. |