Hunter's Ed十大安全守则 | NSSF 枪械安全十大安全守则 |
Watch that muzzle! Keep it pointed in a safe direction at all times.
始终保持枪口指向安全的方向 | 一、始终保持枪口指向安全的方向 |
Treat every firearm with the respect due a loaded gun. It might be, even if you think it isn’t.
对待每一把枪都绝对不能假设它是空枪。它可能是上了膛的。 | 二、枪械不用时要清膛 |
Be sure of the target and what is in front of it and beyond it. Know the identifying features of the game you hunt. Make sure you have an adequate backstop—don’t shoot at a flat, hard surface or water.
清楚地意识到目标,目标前的物体和目标后的物体。明白猎物的识别特征。确定在目标后有足够的挡弹墙可以使弹头停下来 — 不要让子弹击中平面(比如水面,路面),坚硬物体比如石头等等。 | 一、始终保持枪口指向安全的方向
四、确认你的靶子和靶子后面的情况 |
Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot. This is the best way to prevent an accidental discharge.
除非准备好射击,否则你的手指应该在扳机护圈之外。这是防止意外开枪的最好办法。 | 三、不要依赖你枪上的“保险” |
Check your barrel and ammunition. Make sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions, and carry only the proper ammunition for your firearm.
检查你的枪管和弹药。确认枪管和枪机中没有任何阻塞物。要严格保证只使用正确的弹药。 | 五、使用正确的弹药
八、在使用前确认枪管内是清洁的,没有任何堵塞 |
Unload firearms when not in use. Leave actions open, and carry firearms in cases and unloaded to and from the shooting area.
枪械不用时要清膛。不用的时候枪机打开,去射击场地和从射击场地出来的时候,枪的枪机打开并放在用枪盒子里。 | 二、枪械不用时要清膛 |
Point a firearm only at something you intend to shoot. Avoid all horseplay with a gun.
保证枪口永不指向他不想射击的东西。禁止任何形式的用枪胡闹。 | 一、始终保持枪口指向安全的方向 |
Don’t run, jump, or climb with a loaded firearm. Unload a firearm before you climb a fence or tree, or jump a ditch. Pull a firearm toward you by the butt, not the muzzle.
跑,跳,攀登的时候不要携带上膛的枪。攀爬栅栏,树,或者跳过壕沟的时候,清膛。枪支传递的时候手抓枪支的握把,不要抓枪口。 | 二、枪械不用时要清膛 |
Store firearms and ammunition separately and safely. Store each in secured locations beyond the reach of children and careless adults.
枪械和弹药应该分开妥善、安全地存放。避免儿童或粗心的成人接触到你的枪械或弹药。 | 二、枪械不用时要清膛 |
Avoid alcoholic beverages before and during shooting. Also avoid mind or behavior altering medicines or drugs.
饮用酒精,使用影响思想或行为的药品或者毒品(例如,麻醉药,安眠药,兴奋药,镇定药等)后不要射击、操作或者维护枪支。 | 这一点是NSSF十大所没有的。(注:八荣八耻里是有的) |