jerryR 发表于 2022-7-14 20:30

ATF 关于利用Hunting License 购枪的规定以及自己对az事件的看法


首先是今天无意看到的atf关于hunting license购枪的要求:

May a nonimmigrant alien who has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa and who falls within an exception, purchase a firearm or ammunition in the United States?
A nonimmigrant alien without residency in any state may not purchase and take possession of a firearm. A nonimmigrant alien may only purchase a firearm through a licensee where the licensee arranges to have the firearm directly exported. A nonimmigrant alien who falls within an exception may, however, purchase and take possession of ammunition.A nonimmigrant alien who has established residency in a state may purchase and take possession of a firearm from an unlicensed person, provided the buyer and seller are residents of the same state, and no other state or local law prohibits the transaction. A nonimmigrant alien with residency in a state may purchase a firearm from a licensee, provided the sale complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

正如有的朋友所说,不建立residency,有hunting license 买枪也违法。所以,那atf对于residence 定义是什么样的呢?
State of residence.
The State in which an individual resides. An individual resides in a State if he or she is present in a State with the intention of making a home in that State. If an individual is on active duty as a member of the Armed Forces, the individual's State of residence is the State in which his or her permanent duty station is located, as stated in 18 U.S.C. 921(b). The following are examples that illustrate this definition:

A, an alien, travels to the United States on a three-week vacation to State X. A does not have a state of residence in State X because A does not have the intention of making a home in State X while on vacation. This is true regardless of the length of the vacation.


A, an alien, travels to the United States to work for three years in State X. A rents a home in State X, moves his personal possessions into the home, and his family resides with him in the home. A intends to reside in State X during the 3-year period of his employment. A is a resident of State X.

那问题来了,按照这个定义,az的那些留学生都满足啊,residence hunting license有啥毛病?
所以从这个角度看,az那个事件的留学生买residence HL是符合联邦层面定义的residence,但是恰巧州层面不认可,所以导致州层面买residence HL 违法,进而导致以此购买的枪支不合法。
通俗来讲就是,atf说虽然我觉得你是residence,但是az说你不是,而你的hl又是az州发的,那你就得买人家的non residence HL,你现在买了residence hl,那就构成州层面上的欺诈违法,然后用有问题的hl来买枪,那虽然现在你residence没问题,但你hl有问题了呀。。。虽然自始至终我一直觉得你是residence。。。。。

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-14 20:32

这个同时强调了旅行为目的的,不以建立home为目的的出现在美国不算resident,无论时间长短,从atf的角度来说。所以b签加hunting license按这种解释的话是不能购枪的,从atf的角度来说。

lxzlxz 发表于 2022-7-14 20:49

所以 其实可以不看法律 直接买个resident hunting license 再买个nonresident hunting license 花双倍钱买一份安心 反正不会贵很多

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-14 21:10

lxzlxz 发表于 2022-7-14 20:49
所以 其实可以不看法律 直接买个resident hunting license 再买个nonresident hunting license 花双倍钱买 ...

我感觉这不是个好主意,还是搞清楚比较好,买枪时是要选一张hunting license来买的,选错了一样是欺诈手段获取猎照进而获取枪支。

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-14 21:16

还有就是之前看大家说atf 的stand 过于弱,之前一直不觉得,如果atf和州层面对于residence定义一致,那感觉人家的stand一点问题没有,就和你是alien非要用citizen身份买枪没啥大区别。但现在这么一看,貌似是atf因为你和他们对residence定义一致从而违反了州层面的相悖的定义,最后却被用来指责你。虽然说不上哪不合理,但总感觉像是被atf背刺了。。。。

acostarse 发表于 2022-7-14 22:43


这个的关键在于亚利桑那法典规定"'esident', for the purposes of applying for a license, permit, tag or stamp, means person who is omiciled in this state for six months immediately preceding the date of applying for a license, permit, tag or stamp and who does not claim residency privileges for any purpose in any other state or jurisdiction."(ARS 17-101 A.17.(b))





acostarse 发表于 2022-7-14 22:47

lxzlxz 发表于 2022-7-14 20:49
所以 其实可以不看法律 直接买个resident hunting license 再买个nonresident hunting license 花双倍钱买 ...




doublepar 发表于 2022-7-15 04:29

...... 干嘛非要买自己住的那个州的非居民证?买个其它州的不结了?

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 05:36

doublepar 发表于 2022-7-15 04:29
...... 干嘛非要买自己住的那个州的非居民证?买个其它州的不结了?


jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 05:38

acostarse 发表于 2022-7-14 22:47

你买了猎证上面一般都会写“根据(若 ...


jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 05:42

acostarse 发表于 2022-7-14 22:43

这个的关键在于亚利桑那法典规定"'esident', for the purpo ...


双筒 发表于 2022-7-15 05:48

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 08:42

*Illegal* immigrants。。。;P

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 06:31

双筒 发表于 2022-7-15 05:48
*Illegal* immigrants。。。


双筒 发表于 2022-7-15 06:55

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 09:31

非法移民啊。 民主党最喜欢混淆合法和非法移民的区别。 他们自己其实是支持非法移民的,偏要让他们看上去只是支持合法移民;共和党是反对非法移民,让民主党描黑的像是所有移民都反对。 合法非法没区别,所以美国现在是无法无天,连总统宝座都是可以偷的。。。;P

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 07:35

双筒 发表于 2022-7-15 06:55
非法移民啊。 民主党最喜欢混淆合法和非法移民的区别。 他们自己其实是支持非法移民的,偏要让他们看上去 ...


chrischan1985 发表于 2022-7-15 10:29

本帖最后由 chrischan1985 于 2022-7-15 10:30 编辑

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 05:42
解决方案是紫州,比如live free or die的NH;P ... C%20nonresident%2C-,or%20alien,-if%20that%20individual
New Hampshire is a permitless carry state, and New Hampshire Statute 159:6(III) provides that "The availability of a license to carry a loaded pistol or revolver under this section or under any other provision of law shall not be construed to impose a prohibition on the unlicensed transport or carry of a firearm in a vehicle, or on or about one’s person, whether openly or concealed, loaded or unloaded, by a resident, nonresident, or alien if that individual is not otherwise prohibited by statute from possessing a firearm in the state of New Hampshire."NH是唯一一个我看到在法律条文里明确保护外星人持枪权的州

doublepar 发表于 2022-7-15 12:02

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 05:36

...... 什么逻辑?打猎需要猎证能推出有猎证必须打猎吗?

TTBJ 发表于 2022-7-15 12:20

本帖最后由 TTBJ 于 2022-7-15 16:21 编辑


jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 13:52

doublepar 发表于 2022-7-15 12:02
...... 什么逻辑?打猎需要猎证能推出有猎证必须打猎吗?


acostarse 发表于 2022-7-15 13:57

jerryR 发表于 2022-7-15 05:42

“移民”友好红州蓝州都差不多(见Fotoudis v. City of Honolulu,拿了绿卡的在州层面基本除了一些特定的政治权利和敏感问题必须和公民一个待遇);对外星人大家也是都不友好,真正有什么实际区别的还是黑户……
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查看完整版本: ATF 关于利用Hunting License 购枪的规定以及自己对az事件的看法