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恶性杀人事件被制止: Clackamas购物中心









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



发表于 2014-2-14 18:03 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 TFollowerII 于 2014-2-14 18:03 编辑


恶性杀人事件在Clackamas Town Center的购物中心发生了,Clackamas在俄勒冈州波特兰大都市的外面。坏人是 22岁的Jacob Tyler Roberts,跑进购物中心。他穿着战术服装和戴着曲棍球面具,用偷来的 AR-15 semiautomatic rifle对顾客和员工射击了16枪,杀了两个人,重伤一个人后自杀。Jacob和他的受害者没有关系,此次事件被认为是暴力的随机行为。

Jacob从他的一个熟人那里偷走一个AR -15半自动步枪。他开车到了购物中心,在之间的梅西和的Chipotle商店商场南侧停车场, 。他跑进商场通过百货公司在大约下午3:25 ,身穿白色曲棍球面具和一个战术承重背心,手持的AR -15 ,他还背着几个装满子弹的弹匣。 那个时候,商场里有8,000至10,000人。看见他穿着战术服装和曲棍球面具都以为是paintball的装备,而他拿着的步枪被认为是一个玩具。

站在一个大的中庭,Jacob向商场的美食广场开火。第一个被枪毙是54岁的购物者Cindy Ann Yuille ,一个临终关怀护士(有两个女儿)。 15岁的 Kristina Shevchenko是第二个中枪的,胸部中弹,但她活了下来。最终的受害者是46岁的和青少年体育教练Steven Forsyth(有两个孩子),坐在休息座位上与他的父亲用手机通话,被子弹击中头部身亡。

此时,数百人逃离商场听到枪声后,但还有很多仍然留在里面,寻找掩护。Jacob进一步袭向美食广场,射击超过100英尺远的地方的16岁的员工Alina Pavlenko,但没打中。然后,他转身走向JCPenney的商店走去。他试图重新给AR-15装弹。但很不凑巧掉链子,武器已明显卡住。

在那段时间里,Nick Meli(好人),一个CCW,他拿出了他的Glock22,瞄上了Roberts,但因为有一个无辜的人背后Jacob不火。Nick说,Jacob看见他了,而这可能导致了Jacob后来的自杀的决定。

Jacob然后跑进一回存储的走廊,在那里他遇到了员工Rok Sang Kim,Rok已经从建筑外面的回收箱返回,因此没有听到枪声。Jacob用步枪指着他,但没有他开枪。Jacok跑到楼梯的下层。在那里,他自杀了。


现实不是模拟器,可以让我们计算出来如果没有Nick的武装制止,Roberts还会多杀多少个。但是common sense告诉我,应该还有很多无辜的生命会被Roberts伤害。

On December 11, 2012, a shooting occurred at the Clackamas Town Center in unincorporated Clackamas County, outside the City of Portland Oregon, United States. The gunman, 22-year-old Jacob Tyler Roberts, ran into the shopping center wearing tactical clothing and a hockey mask and opened fire on shoppers and employees with a stolen Bushmaster M4 Type Carbine firing 16 shots, killing two people and seriously wounding a third person before committing suicide. Roberts had no connection to any of his victims, and it was believed to be a random act of violence. The Clackamas Town Center has a posted policy of prohibiting firearms on the premises.

Prior to the shooting
Prior to the shooting, Roberts is stated to have stolen an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle from an acquaintance of his. He arrived at the Clackamas Town Center by car, parking it at the south side of the mall between a Macy's and a Chipotle store. He ran into the mall through a department store at around 3:25 pm, wearing a white hockey mask and a load-bearing vest and armed with the AR-15; he was also carrying several loaded magazines. Between 8,000 and 10,000 people were inside the mall at the time. People who first saw him run into the mall believed the tactical clothing and hockey mask was a paintball outfit and that the rifle was a toy.

The shooting
Standing in a large atrium, Roberts first opened fire at the mall's food court that was across from him at his left. The first to be shot was 54-year-old shopper Cindy Ann Yuille, a hospice nurse and mother of two who was fatally shot in the back. 15-year-old Kristina Shevchenko, who was walking through the mall with her friend to reach the Town Center MAX station, was the second person to be shot; she received a bullet to the chest, but she survived and made it out of the mall, where she was treated for her gunshot wound. The final victim was 46-year-old father of two and youth sports coach Steven Forsyth, who was sitting by a rented kiosk and talking with his father on his cell phone, was shot in the head and killed.

At this point, hundreds of people fled the mall after hearing the gunshots, but many remained inside and dashed to cover. Roberts headed further toward the food court, firing at 16-year-old employee Alina Pavlenko, who was over 100 feet away, but missed. He then turned back and headed toward a JCPenney store. He attempted to reload the AR-15 at that point, but was unable to do so, the weapon having apparently jammed. During that time, Nick Meli, a concealed carry permit holder, reportedly drew his Glock 22, took aim at Roberts, but did not fire since there was an innocent person behind Roberts. Meli asserts that Roberts saw him, and that this may have contributed to Roberts' decision to commit suicide.

Shooting ends
Roberts then ran into a back storage corridor, where he encountered employee Rok Sang Kim, who had returned from recycling boxes and therefore hadn't heard the gunfire. Roberts pointed the rifle at him, but didn't shoot him, instead running down a flight of stairs onto a lower floor. There, he committed suicide. In the chaos of the first few minutes after the shooting, there were expectations of mass casualties. Police responded to the scene minutes later and spent the following hours searching the mall for hiding civilians, injured victims, and a possible second shooter, while dozens of ambulances arrived with the expectations of treating dozens of wounded victims, but treated only Kristina Shevchenko for a serious gunshot wound.
By the next day, the mall was cleared of civilians, but continued to remain under lockdown. It is believed Roberts targeted random people and did not have a specific target in mind.


参与人数 1子弹 +100 收起 理由
happydad + 100 很给力!









Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-14 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
pinetrees 发表于 2014-2-14 18:10
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