本帖最后由 双筒 于 2016-5-10 00:24 编辑
晃晕是有点理想化了,敌人不会像deer in the headlight那样傻站着盯着灯使劲儿看的。 确认目标target ID是真的。 灯的好处和缺点自己想一下都能想出来。 光线暗淡的时候是坏人干坏事最得手的时候,所以夜晚受到袭击,破门而入的可能性比白天大的多。 当你看见前面有个可疑的影像,可能是攻入你家的夜贼,也可能不是。 你无法确认,是直接一枪放倒呢,还是上去打个招呼问问? Be sure of your target (and what's around and behind it) 是用枪基本原则之一,我们不能shoot first and ask question later。 但如果是坏人,你看见他/她的时候他也把刀准备好了。 上去问话等于送死。 有个灯可以确认眼前是人还是鬼,这是太明白的道理了。。。
楼主说“夜里挂个flash light 或是 laser在上面不是成明显的靶子了么?”,这个没错。 你开灯的照亮对方的同时,也暴露了自己的位置。 所以枪灯不应该没事打开照路用,永远开着的,除非你人多,像一群警察大开着灯冲入楼内,就算有一个被打倒,其他人能迅速提供一片密集的弹雨覆盖目标,怎么都是警察赢的。 自己一个人搜索自己的家,因为是自己最熟悉的环境,没必要暴露目标。 非要开灯照路也要尽量缩短照明时间。。。
另外很多人说,target ID不应该用枪灯,you don't want to illuminate a friendly target。 应该另外带一个手电,照路,target ID都用这个。 发现hostile target再换成用枪灯去照。 我不这么认为。 If there is a bump in the night that cause me to get up and search, I WILL light up everything that I think that might be a potential target, friendly or not. If I need to shoot, I need every split-second advantage to help me survive, which also means that my family has a better chance to survive, since there is a friendly gun in the house searching and taking out the bad people. *Trigger discipline* is the key, not avoiding the use of gun mounted light for IDing. Don't put your finger on the trigger when you don't know if the target is hostile. If after you use your gun light and confirm the target in front of you is indeed a friendly one, you can move your muzzle away and bounce the light off of the ceiling/wall for further illumination. But not using the light to identify the target, to me is like you don't want to win the gun fight in the first place, that you have no will to fight and protect your family. Just call 911 and hide in the closet is much simpler (and let the bad guy capture the wife and kids and do whatever he wants with them) ...