不会经常装upper,不打算买那么多工具了。我看网上不少人直接拧,估摸着差不多就停,或许他们有用torque wrench的经验大概知道力量多大就停止。
话说暂时也没有vise,可能买一个upper receiver block,一个portable的clamp-on vise或者只是一个C-clamp然后用脚踩着,现在是这么想的。
"If you have to do it I would just tighten the nut until it is snug but not really cranked down. That's about what 30 ft lbs will do.
lossen and tighten the nut a few times. You'll notice it goes a little further each time.
Lastly, if the holes are not lined up, slowly tighten it to the next hole. As long as you are not gorrilla stong and you are not using a really long handle you probably won't be able to over torque it very easily."
“If you've assembled an upper, you'd know how difficult and unlikely it would be to over torque a barrel nut. You don't need a torque wrench."
"With a range of 30 to 80 ftlbs you can get away without using one. Provided you have a good idea what 30ftlbs is like in the hands."
"Just get it snug, then one value over to the next hole to line up is good."