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Where is the boundary of Freedom?









Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2015-1-10 15:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Where is the boundary of Freedom?

I keep hearing that freedom has boundaries, I actually agree. But where is this boundary? Where is the line? During the heated exchange between Senator Cruz and Senator Feinstein, one example was used to back Senator Feinsteins claim that no right is absolute, that is, Child Pornography is off the limit of the freedom of speech; at the same token, certain firearm, "Assault Weapon" for example, can be off the limit of the 2A.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bzb9Hs2SmfQ

At the first glance, this seems making sense. However, looking deeper, I beg for difference.

So what is the boundary of Freedom? When we talk about freedom, we refer to individual freedom, something a person can do, without the fear that it would be TAKEN AWAY BY OTHERS. To me, this is exactly where the boundary is! A person's freedom is protected, as long as OTHERS' freedom would not be taken away as a COST of it.

This is why Child Pornography is a crime, it is because when you taking nude picture or video of a innocent child or introducing them into sex act, YOU took the Freedom of living in decencies now and in the future of the Child away. You are TAKING AWAY OTHERS' FREEDOM! The same goes to CONSUMING Child Pornography, which YOU pay to watch those picture or video, which means you are hiring someone to do the work for YOU! So YOU are violating OTHERS" FREEDOM!

This is also why Owing Machining Gun IS NOT a crime, it is because the action of ACQUIRING and KEEPING a machine gun taking away NOBODY ELSE's FREEDOM, it is actually a burden to the owner to care it, locate it and use it properly to stay legal. The owner is less Free in that regard, and because it is his freedom of choice, nobody should complain here.

Do we afraid that people may use their freedom to against us? Yes, all the time! There are five sex offender living in the vicinity of my neighborhood. Do I worried about them? Yes, a little, but not enough to force me to move or change my life style. Should I afraid of them? No, I take caution and measure to educate my kids and my family to keep them safe. Should I take action to evict them out of my neighborhood? Absolutely NOT! Before they try to do something, they are the same citizen as free as I am!

Back to the Charlie Hebdo issue. Are some of their cartoon down right offensive and tasteless? You bet! Are some of their cartoon to the point and humorous? You bet! Are those cartoon TAKE ANYBODY ELSE FREEDOM away? I don't think so!

I respect all religion and I have mine. I believe God, or Allah or any other, is great and full of power. He does not need we the human to kill each other to keep his grace, because I believe no matter what we do, his grace is untouchable. Whoever think some human action would tarnish God's, or Allah's or any others, grace, is a blasphemy of its own.


参与人数 1子弹 +100 收起 理由
CADET + 100 support









Rank: 4

发表于 2015-1-10 15:39 | 只看该作者
I am a supporter of the "bill of rights". I will use the second amendment defend all amendments.   
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

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