本帖最后由 skx779 于 2022-4-20 09:31 编辑
Ben Stoeger 的 Dry-fire书都出了快十年了。。。。最新版的是《Dryfire Reloaded》
“Firing” Multiple Shots
With a double action pistol, such as a CZ or a SIG, you should pull the trigger all the way (double action) for the first shot, and then not let the trigger out far enough for it to reset. For follow-up shots simply pull the trigger again. The trigger will not have any real resistance for the follow-up shots. When you reload or move from spot to spot be sure to pull your finger out of the trigger guard, your first shot after that will be in double action mode.
With a single action pistol, such as a 1911/2011, you only get one pull of the trigger. The rest of the time you press back on an inactive (or “dead”) trigger.
With a striker fired pistol, such as a Glock, you can place a rubber band into the ejection port of the gun, with the goal of holding the gun slightly out of battery. If you do this appropriately, the trigger will not be able to release the striker, so the trigger will feel a bit squishy during dry-fire practice.
With any of these pistols, you will be using the trigger differently than you would if the gun were being fired live. Unfortunately, there is no good solution for this. Focus on putting pressure on the trigger and directing the pressure
straight back into the frame of the gun. If you can do that consistently, you will be well on your way to good shooting. One thing that I think should be mentioned here is that when you are pressing a “dead” trigger, you should press the trigger hard. This provides a good simulation for how you will usually press your trigger during actual live-fire. When people are fighting recoil, the tendency is to press hard, so you want to simulate that tendency during dry-fire and learn to press the trigger straight.
网上甚至都有免费的PDF了,这本书真的有用。我去年8月开始参加竞赛射击,今年2月开始看这本书,之后第一次match是上个星期local 俱乐部的steeel challenge(outlaw),干掉了一批USPSA A 和 M(用的是Canik Rival)。从八月份到现在我一共Live fire了不到1000发,其中600发是比赛打的,虽然有一个GM (Area5 production champion) 多次一对一指导传授,但我个人感觉这本书教的内容帮助更大。
PS:我现在已经换平台了,不再用Glock了,这个技巧最初是一个用G34.3 的Limited GM 教给我的。我当时用的是zev 17.3,用这个技巧和普通干火练了十天,拿下了有生以来第一个local match 的CO 1st(outlaw)。题外话: 虽然这个当时那场的水平确实不高,甚至还有个大爷用马卡洛夫(理所当然的倒数第一了),但有好几只cz,Tanfo xtreme 和2011s。我当时还在选择平台,大家对新人也比较友好,就把这些枪全试了一下,然后我就坚定了一个信念,用金属枪打CO就是“他妈的作弊”,2011不合法是完全正确的。。。。。