Category I - Firearms, Close Assault Weapons and Combat Shotguns
* (a) Nonautomatic and semi-automatic firearms to caliber .50 inclusive (12.7 mm). * (b) Fully automatic firearms to .50 caliber inclusive (12.7 mm). * (c) Firearms or other weapons (e.g. insurgency-counterinsurgency, close assault weapons systems) having a special military application regardless of caliber. * (d) Combat shotguns. This includes any shotgun with a barrel length less than 18 inches.
口径超过.50,枪管长度超过18英寸的20gauge和12gauge霰弹枪应该是不在其中,除非有人援引(c)说这玩意有 special military application。最后还是人嘴两张皮,就看法官怎么断案了。