[size=13.3333px]· As of Jan 1, 2015, the Single Shot Exemption rules are modified such that the Single-shot pistol exemption applies to:
[size=13.3333px]1. break-top/open single-shot [size=13.3333px]pistol[size=13.3333px] with a minimum 6" barrel length and a minimum 10.5" overall length
[size=13.3333px]2. bolt-action single-shot [size=13.3333px]pistol[size=13.3333px] with a minimum 6" barrel length and a minimum 10.5" overall length
[size=13.3333px]If the [size=13.3333px]pistol[size=13.3333px] was semi-auto prior to being one of the above, then it does not qualify.