哦,在gunbroker网站上,reserve price永远是隐藏的,投标人是看不见的(卖家当然可以选择在说明里告诉你。 最低价/保留价本来就是卖家自己为了吸引人气又不亏本而设置的,就像如果没有reserve price就会有个minimun bid requirement一样,如果minimum是30块钱,你投29块钱结果没卖给你,甚至你的bid都被reject了,你不会说这个拍卖不公平对吧? 因为你没达到最低要求啊。 所以我不知道为什么有reserve price,你投标没达到结果没卖给你,你怎么就觉得这样是不公平了呵呵):
When listing an item, the seller can set a Reserve Price. The Reserve Price is the lowest price at which a seller is willing to sell an item. The Reserve Price is kept secret from the bidders.
The auction starts at the Starting Bid price. When a bidder's Maximum Bid is equal to or greater than the Reserve Price, AutoBid posts a bid which meets the Reserve Price for the item, and the words 'Reserve Met' will appear next to the Current Bid on the item listing page.
If the seller's Reserve Price has not been met, the words 'Reserve Not Met' show next to the current bid.
If the auction has no Reserve Price, the words 'No Reserve' display next to the current bid.
If bidding does not meet or exceed the seller's Reserve Price, the item is not considered sold.
https://support.gunbroker.com/hc ... 8908-Reserve-Prices