Here's How You Can Buy a Russian Tank
A million bucks when new, $50,000 buys you, a civilian, a T-72.
You have to ship the thing. Mortar Investments estimates it costs $15k to the East Coast, $20k to Houston, and $25k to the West Coast. Your tank will arrive at the seaport closest to you
Then there's liquid motivation. The 2,368-cubic-inch V12 engine sucks down two gallons diesel for every mile. It won't be street-legal in the US, so you'd better have property.
东欧T-72 坦克大促销,总成本七万美元。看上去非常有吸引力。跟家人讨论了一下,没有得到一点支持。这里的大佬,几万美元买一支十几磅的狙击步枪,口径7.62毫米,觉得是一个不容错过的Deal. 那么,四十几吨重的坦克,口径一百多毫米,价钱在同一个数量级,不是更划算吗?家里有坦克的,还请晒一下照片,装甲车也行。