所有加兰德步枪都是C&R, 所以私人交易,可以直接寄到有C&R的买主家里,不用通过FFL,除非有州的法律禁止。
至于CMP的加兰德,因为美国国会法律中的一个特殊条款,经过身份公证的购买人,可以由CMP直接寄到公证的家庭住址,不需要经过FFL. 有几个州针对CMP的加兰德,特殊做了规定。最近,加州又修改了规定。
https://thecmp.org/cmp_sales/eli ... ortant-requirements
Residents of NJ, NY and OR must have the rifles shipped to a state licensed dealer. You must provide a copy of the dealer’s license with your order form.
Rifle shipments to CA must be made to a State licensed dealer or may be made to individual homes, providing that a CA Certificate of Eligibility and a Curio and Relic License are provided.
Rifle shipments to CT – As a result of CT Bill 1160 and Bill 13-220, which revised CT Bill 1160, all CT customers purchasing rifles to be delivered in CT must have the rifle shipped to a CT licensed dealer or must provide us with a copy of their current Type 3 (C&R) FFL license. We can ship directly to a customer’s home if they possess a C&R license.
Rifle shipments to WA must be made to licensed dealer or may be shipped directly to the customer if a C&R license is provided.
简单一点地说,NJ, NY, OR, 必须寄到FFL. 加州, 可以寄到买主的家里,必须有加州的枪证和联邦ATF发的C&R. WA,可以寄到买主家里,必须有C&R.