Defense Logistics Agency
The Nation's Combat Logistics Support Agency
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Transporting History Halfway Across the Globe: DLA Distribution repatriation project returns antique rifles from Philippines to U.S. despite obstacles
By DLA Distribution Business Development
"In March 2017, a coalition was officially formed to tackle the task of returning the weapons to the U.S. Army."
"Specifically, the Headquarters Department of the Army, Army Tank and Automotive Command, Defense Security Cooperation Command (DSCA), Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group – Philippines (JUSMAG), United States Transportation Command and Defense Logistics Agency joined forces to develop and execute a plan to return the WWII vintage M1 Garand rifles located just outside Manila, Philippines, to a non-DoD facility in Alabama. The rifles were to be returned under the authority of the Department of State, and in support of the CMP."
"Once the weapons are in its possession, CMP will refurbish the M1s and hopefully sell them to interested gun collectors and historians. Though initially purchased for about $94 each, when fully refurbished, the rifles can sell for upwards of $1,200. "
"Early in the planning phase it was brought to the attention of the M1 project team that many of the rifles appeared to have termite damage. This was subsequently validated during the team’s initial site visit to Camp Aguinaldo in April 2017."
"Ultimately, the shipment of the M1s consisted of 44 20-ft. equivalent unit sea vans. The vessel carrying these containers set sail in early December and arrived at its final destination in time to meet the customer’s required delivery date. "
https://www.dla.mil/AboutDLA/New ... ansporting-history/
Transporting History
By James McCormack DLA Distribution Business Development Deputy Director
Team members from the Joint Armed Forces of the Philippines and the United States conducting M1 Inventory.
U.S. and Armed Forces of the Philippines teammates at Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City, Philippines, performed all inventory, packing and crating of the antique M1s and arranged their shipment back to the United States.
这批加兰德步枪原来存放在菲律宾马尼拉附近的一个军事基地,Camp Aguinaldo。