http://www.rip.uscourts.gov/rip/ ... sionProhibition.pdf
[size=12.000000pt]Possession of a firearm may be either actual or constructive. The latter has been defined asfollows: “Constructive possession exists when a person knowingly has the power and intention ata given time of exercising dominion and control over the object or over the area in which the objectis locate....” (See U.S. v Booth, et.al. 111 F.3d 2 [1st Cir. September 1997]). If you know thefirearm is present in your residence, vehicle, etc., and if it can be shown that you have the ability toaccess and exercise control over that firearm personally or through another individual, then youcould be considered to have constructive possession of the firearm. You would then be subject tonew criminal charges and/or revocation of supervision. For these reasons, all firearms are to beremoved from your residence during the term of supervision.
[size=12.000000pt]那么原则上说,我老婆没有hunting license,那么家里如果有她能随时取用的枪,如果检察官真的起诉她,她真的就能被定罪。这还挺恶心的。我以前一直认为poccess定义是own。