本帖最后由 doublepar 于 2015-10-2 20:37 编辑
Quote: I never said we can eliminate gun deaths or avoid bad guys having them. I realize that is just not possible. If you read what I said carefully, I was trying to address the two sources of gun deaths for which we can totally do something, and those are mass shootings and suicides. Note that in neither of these two cases there is a “bad guy” involved. Suicide prevention needs not only gun control but other measures as well. If everyone believes that “nothing should be done and guns is the answer to everything”, then let’s just continue to mourn such killings because there will be plenty more to come.
Reply: Mass shooting (or rampage shooting) although very prominent in media and people's psyche, is but an outlier in the whole picture of gun related crime. Many reports cite the fact that the U.S. has the largest number of mass shoorting incidents and fatality. It is true. But such claim forgets one thing, it doesn't correct for population. See the following chart? The U.S. doesn't even crack the top five in the developed countries for mass shooting fatality based on population. That being said, there is some common denominators in all these mass shooting incidents. The perpetrators invariablly have some mental issue. They almost all happened in a designated gun free zone, where victims didn't have the means to defend themselves and there is no armed protection to that zone. Maybe we can examine what can do about that. Suicide number is totally irrelavent to what means are used. An inanimate object doesn't have the magic to persuade a person to do one way or the other. Japan, with extremely restrictive gun laws, has twice the suicide rate of the U.S.