本帖最后由 1437 于 2018-2-28 02:53 编辑
The PMAG has also gone through several incremental improvements since its initial release. In early 2009, the design was updated to what was commonly referred to as the “Revision M”. The Rev M design is still around, but has been made with an even better material since 2013, at which point it was renamed the PMAG 30 AR/M4 Gen M2 MOE. Since that’s a mouthful, we’ll just call it the M2 PMAG.
In early 2004, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) issued a solicitation for a family of Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifles, the so-called SCAR, designed around two different calibers but featuring high commonality of parts and identical ergonomics. The FN SCAR system completed low rate initial production testing in June 2007.[12] After some delays, the first rifles began being issued to operational units in April 2009, and a battalion of the US 75th Ranger Regiment was the first large unit deployed into combat with 600 of the rifles in 2009.
SCAR早在07年就开始小批量生产了,而民间最流行的pmag gen m2在09年才推出市场 。(其实pmag第一代07年也才投产)