本帖最后由 doublepar 于 2014-8-25 06:07 编辑
有时稍微 passive aggressive 一点效果会更好。
小二:“English Only!”
LZ (嘻皮笑脸地):“Well, she was speaking English.”
小二:“No, she's not!”
LZ (脸拉下来):“How could you know? It was a P-R-I-V-A-T-E conversation.Unless you were eavesdropping...”
对经理应该这么说,I saw the sign. You are well within your rights to stipulate the language you use to conduct business. But this is a private conversation. I respectfully suggest that that be none of your business. You can not possibly regulate a private conversation, either legally or technically. If you think I am doing anything illegal, please feel free to call the authority.
然后把照片里那个 Sign 圈个大红圈,发到所有跟他们有关的 social media上去,指出那个规定的 SB 之处。