本帖最后由 TFollowerII 于 2014-7-17 07:06 编辑
最有效的行动之一应该是早期教育,比如最近田纳西一警察局主动出去搞面向小孩子的枪支安全教育活动,请了Eddie Eagle(面向儿童的枪支教育的卡通代言)。
ImmanuelBaptist Church’s Weekday Early Education preschool students were treated to special guests Wednesday.
Officers from the Lebanon Police Department as well as Scruff and Eddie Eagle visited with the children and educated them on topics including stranger danger and gun safety.
Officer Allison Daniel said the department has visited several preschool classes in recent weeks, and will be making a stop at Little Shepard Child Care at the end of the month.
When asked by the instructor what the kids should do if they see a gun, the children responded, “run and find an adult.”
Daniel said any class wishing to have a visit from Scruff and Eddie is welcome to call.
“If they call and ask, we are happy to come out and talk with the kids,” she said.
没错,这正是Eddie Eagle的主旨: