本帖最后由 PhilipJ 于 2014-9-22 13:42 编辑
It’s about three and a half feet from the top of my desk (where the EDG sits) to the floor of my office (where I file all my important documents) and....
A perfect one and a half onto the floor belly flop. Landed with a solid thunk.
Shake, shake, shake...no, nothing loose.
Looks smack on!
Easy test. Cake walk for a premium binocular. Lets move on.
It’s about a ten foot throw to the plastic recycling barrel in my office (that was just emptied of all the paper I don’t file on the floor). If I miss the bucket and hit the wall, well....
Drat! You’ll never believe it. On my first attempt, the strap caught around the door handle and the binocular smacked the door instead of the bottom of the barrel. Not a fair test! Requires a second heat.
Ah. Much better on the second try. Swish. Make that crash. (Scared the bejeebers out of Deb Shaw in the next office who admonished me to warn her when a binocular test was in progress).
Instrument still fine. Alignment perfect.
OK. Now the big test. Excuse me while I step outside....
(Five minutes later)
Not my best throw (I blame the pre-frontal headwind). Just under 100 feet. Binoculars landed on baked, dry soil on the elevated leach field, with a sparse cover of weeds–which the glass neatly avoided. Judging by the deposition of dirt on the lenses I’d say it landed ocular first then tumbled onto it’s belly.
Results? No problem. Alignment fine. Mechanical function fine.
I’d say it’s a pretty tough glass. |