本人学生,最近心里长草想买个ACOG看看到底啥样。到OP上一看发现属于ITAR Item。吓坏了,离监狱简直一步之遥。上网一查:
(3) ‘‘Protected individual’’ definedAs used in paragraph (1), the term ‘‘protectedindividual’’ means an individual who—(A) is a citizen or national of the UnitedStates, or(B) is an alien who is lawfully admitted forpermanent residence, is granted the statusof an alien lawfully admitted for temporaryresidence under section 1160(a) or 1255a(a)(1)of this title, is admitted as a refugee undersection 1157 of this title, or is granted asylumunder section 1158 of this title; but doesnot include (i) an alien who fails to apply fornaturalization within six months of the datethe alien first becomes eligible (by virtue ofperiod of lawful permanent residence) toapply for naturalization or, if later, withinsix months after November 6, 1986, and (ii)an alien who has applied on a timely basis,but has not been naturalized as a citizenwithin 2 years after the date of the application,unless the alien can establish that thealien is actively pursuing naturalization, exceptthat time consumed in the Service’sprocessing the application shall not becounted toward the 2-year period.