双筒 发表于 2018-9-4 15:23
那其实看的不是cd(candela),而是lux,因为candela is the amount of light from a given angle。 Cande ...
可是灯的包装上只标有lumen,好点的有cd,并不标lux。而且据我了解的几家标示cd的灯厂,都是指灯头1米的光斑中心的cd。可以用lm加上apex角换算,也可以像你说的,用测光表在固定距离测出来lux,加上距离换算。因而同样TK15 的400lm在中心的cd值可以高过800甚至1k的olight S30R II(两者标称cd都过万),因为只要把光会聚到只有11.5度左右就可以达到标称值,而olight的亮斑范围更广,同时周边的光晕更多,这点和我的观察完全相符。另外同样1k lm输出的s2r,中心cd更是远远不到1万,但是照亮范围更大,就像你说的viridian,虽然我个人并比喜欢这种光照作为枪灯,当手电还凑合,所以把viridian卖了换了tlr1 hl。
In photometry, luminous intensity is a measure of the wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle, based on theluminosity function, a standardized model of the sensitivity of the human eye. The SI unit of luminous intensity is the candela (cd), an SI base unit.
至于cd计算我查到的并不难,和我以前帖子说过的一样,与反光光路设计有关,打得越散的自然中心cd就低。而且作为枪灯或者手电,打出去的hot spot都是汇聚的光,用垂直灯头方向的中心cd值标称,没有任何问题。当然,也可以纠结于我对于这几个单位的中文名字说的不准确,毕竟高中毕业就再没学过物理。
The lumen (unit lm) gives the total luminous flux of a light source by multiplying the intensity (in candela) by the angular span over which the light is emitted. With the symbol Φv for lumen, Iv for candela and Ω for the angular span in steradian, the relation is:
Lux (unit lx) is a measure of illumination of a surface.
Light meters often measure lux values (or footcandles, but these are directly related: one footcandle is 10.764 lx). Formally, lux is a derived unit from lumen, which is a derived unit from candela. Yet, the concept of lux is more easily compared to candela than to lumen.