Here are the step by step instructions for filing a Firearm-Related Denial Challenge Request.
Go to https://www.edo.cjis.gov(please open the site through Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox and on a laptop or desktop computer)
At the bottom of the page there is a section that says, “Challenging Your Identity History Summary Or Your Firearm Related Denial”. In that section there is a blue box that states, “Enter your email address to get started!”. You will type in your email and press submit.
You will now go into your email where you will have a received an email that has a secure link and PIN.
Click the word “here” in the email. (Please be sure the link opens in either Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer and that you are doing this from a desktop or laptop computer)
A webpage will open with a box that says “Challenge of an Identity History Summary”. You will click CONTINUE.
The next page will have a WARNING! box and a space where you can enter your PIN. You will type in your PIN number. DO NOT copy and paste.
Click LOGIN.
The next page will have the “Challenge Details” box. You will click, “Request Reason(s) for OR Challenge Your Firearm-Related Denial”.
The PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT box will appear. You will scroll down and click the box beside “I Accept” and then click CONTINUE.
In the “Challenge Reason” drop down menu, you will click “Challenge reason(s) for firearm-related denial”
In the “State of Purchase” drop down menu, you will select the state in where you are trying to purchase the firearm.
In the next box you will provide a brief explanation of you feel to be incorrect regarding the reason for your denial.
In the IDENTIFICATION box, you will select either “I have my NTN” or “I have my STN” and then enter that number accordingly.
“Personal Information” the required fields are: Last name, First Name, Date of Birth.
“Mailing Address” the required fields are: Address, Postal Code. (The City and State should automatically populate after you put in your postal code)
“Preferences”, we suggest choosing yes for both questions. (Receiving status notifications and for a hard copy response)
“Supporting Documentation”: this is where you would upload any supporting documentation that you may have to help you clear up the denial. If you are wanting to send in a completed fingerprint card to help clear up this matter, you will click, “YES” in the drop down menu where it asks if you need to mail any supporting documentation. (Although it is not required to send in the fingerprint card, we do highly recommend it. The fingerprint card will need to be MAILED in.)
As long as all the required information is filled out, the “SUBMIT CHALLENGE REQUEST” button should highlight. You will click it.
Your online request is completed.
**If you chose to mail in supporting documentation, such as a fingerprint card, you will mail the information to the following mailing address, along with a copy of the confirmation email you will receive after you submit your online request:
FBI CJIS Division
1000 Custer Hollow Rd
Clarksburg, WV 26306
If you are not able to complete the request online, you can mail your inquiry to:
FBI CJIS Division
1000 Custer Hollow Rd
Clarksburg, WV 26306
Please include your full name, date of birth, mailing address and NTN or STN in the letter.
The overturn of a denial will not automatically result in a proceed response on subsequent firearm purchases. A complete NICS check is still required and may result in a denial or delay if additional prohibitive or potentially prohibitive information is discovered.