一般认为Taurus在枪的品牌(prestige/snobbish factor)里的排行,在乳鸽以下,跟Charter级别差不多呵呵。。。 至于PX4的套筒(我有个full size的PX4),主要是那俩manual safety翘的比较高(那是可以换成G版的low profile levers的,不过换了枪就变成decock only了):
http://www.qiangyou.org/bbs/foru ... 330&fromuid=424
下面是我在枪店里对比我的G26和PX4sc时候记的笔记。 在枪店里把CCW的手枪掏出来,这可是大忌,所以我当时非常小心,先跟老板(店小儿不够级别,直接找老板)打招呼,说我想把我带着的G26掏出来跟PX4sc对比一下尺寸,看看能不能用同一个枪套等等。 一听我要掏枪,整个店里的人都回头看我。 咱神态自若,客气而且放松,手都放在明处。 老板说那你把枪先给我,我清空了再给你去对比。 掏出来的动作是所有在场的人最关心的(手指在哪儿,枪口指哪儿),这咱当然明白,所以我不光动作慢,而且不是整个手上握把,是拇指食指捏着握把,把枪提出来,枪口始终冲下,交给老板的。 旁边人都松了口气哈哈。。。最后老板把枪,弹匣,和膛里那发子弹还给我,说你到店外再上膛
In person, putting them side by side, the PX4sc is about the same length, height, and width as the G26. PX4sc is slightly wider (mostly because of the control levers). With the +2 extension on the Glock, the height is about the same but the Glock is shorter in the back (slanted vs. the flat mag bottom on the PX4sc, while holding one less round in the mag). PX4sc grip can hold three fingers, barely though, even with the non-SnapGrip mag. With the SnapGrip mag, it’s a complete 3-finger grip, same as G26 with +2 mag. Barrel is noticeably shorter, and the sight radius is almost a full inch shorter on the Beretta. Trigger pulls are 10 lb DA and 5.25 lb SA (https://www.shootingillustrated. ... -storm-sub-compact/). Dual recoil springs that are compressed simultaneously instead of sequentially (as on the G26), just like the Ruger LCP. Guide rod is plastic.