本帖最后由 Hohenstaufenz 于 2015-4-29 18:59 编辑
嘿,各位。Walther 今年在纽伦堡的 IWA OutdoorClassics 上展出了新研发的 single-stack 9mm Conceal Carry Pistol (CCP) [注意:不是Chinese Communist Party]. 这里是此枪的简介,采用类似于HK P7 的固定枪管后座延迟 gas delayed blowback系统,非常古典却又独特的设计。 一直以来我都是Walther 设计的粉丝,据展会上试用此枪的用户讲其扳机很类似PPQ 的手感, 尽管设计上还是有所不同。 指望HK P7 重新生产肯定是木戏了,所以这款Walther 一旦在美国上市,不知是否会吸引一些用户。
【1/1/2015更新】Walther CCP Single stack 8rd 9mm 已在美国市场上市。这枪最大的特点是不采用传统的Browning action, 而采用了曾经昙花一现的 delayed gas blowback with a gas piston + 固定枪管。换句话说,这枪基本就是Walther 山寨1979年开始生产的HK P7 的中产阶级经济适用版。后座很轻,有manual safety, 弹簧很轻所以上膛很容易,适合女性或者手上力道不大的领导+山寨夫人们使用。尺寸介于PPS 与 PPQ 之间,但其握把设计基本延承于PPQ,不大不小正合适。基于现在几个YouTube的review,此枪优点是:1)精准,因为采用固定枪管。2)可靠,所有reviewer都没有遇到任何FTF/FTE, 或者一枪上去弹匣掉下来砸脚丫子的问题 3)继承了Walther的ergonomics, 握在手里枪人合一、喜结连理。此枪缺点是:1)扳机虽然不差,但明显不如PPQ, 5.5lb, reset 比较长而且不太明显 2)takedown is a b**ch, 还要借助一个工具或者小刀 3)因为是新枪,所以附件选择不多。此枪现在市面上普遍sold out, 价位在$420左右,但我估计以后会降价到$350左右(KyGunCo半年前给我preorder 的价位)。
这里有一个至今为止我看过的最详细、最中肯的Walther CCP 9mm review:
相信其他YouTube 大名的review video 也会相继而来。。。
http://www.ask-iwa.info/index.ph ... roduct&locale=en_GB
WALTHER CCP: Small. Accurate. Reliable.
Walther Sets The New Standard for Concealed Carry Pistols
The new WALTHER CCP combines the easy handling of a pocket pistol with the power of 9 x 19 mm cartridges. CCP stands for Concealed Carry Pistol. The innovative SoftCoil system operates on a gas-delayed blowback principle, that allows a significantly reduced recoil and results in easy racking of the slide. The CCP has an ideal combination of ergonomics, size, shape, accuracy and ability to conceal comfortably. With a length of 163 mm this single-column, 8-round firearm comes with numerous features that are otherwise found only in larger models.
The pre-cocked trigger has a constant low trigger pull of 2.5 kg and a trigger travel of only 7 mm. By rerouting the gas pressure the designers were able to use a soft main spring with a gentle release, thus reducing the recoil as compared with a standard Browning system. Moreover, the polygonal barrel does not dip downwards, which considerably reduces the vertical motion of the pistol and improves the precision. The slide is also significantly easier to cock, with the help of front and rear slide serrations.
Considerable attention was given to safety, but without impeding simple operation. For example, the easy accessible manual safety pulls back the trigger bar, allowing the trigger blade to move without resistance. This takes the strain off the parts and prolongs their service life. A striker safety provides drop safety. In addition, the torque-free design of the trigger mechanism ensures that components stay in place if the pistol is dropped. Finally, the pistol can only be stripped if it is decocked, and a stripping aid is supplied in each package.
The WALTHER CCP comes with a 3-dot sight. The polymer sight is screwed on, and three heights are supplied as standard. The polymer rear sight is laterally adjustable. The front and rear sights are compatible in size with the Walther P99, PPQ and PPS pistols. Thus the tritium sights offered as accessories for these models fit the CCP as well. The CCP is available with a stainless slide or stainless with a black CERAKOTE™ finish.
Advantages for the customer at a glance:- slim design and single-column magazine for a good grip
- trigger and safety can be operated even by small hands
- easy-to-cock slide
- easy-to-move slide stop lever
- safe, smooth operation with all standard ammunition, no effects from variations in gas pressure
- low recoil and reduced upward kick
- multiple drop safety and trigger safety features
【4/29/2015更新】现在又有货了,而且价格从年初的$420 已经降到了$369. 感兴趣的朋友可以考虑一下。
http://www.woodburyoutfitters.co ... tainless-stee-68604