本帖最后由 alex 于 2015-4-23 06:24 编辑
这个俺之前提过了。他家的rental gun不少。租枪只收一次,之后随便打。适合试枪。
http://qiangyou.org/bbs/forum.ph ... %3D29%26typeid%3D29
他家Glock反正够全的。除了不popular的.380 auto, 10mm和.45 gap加比赛用枪g34/5,起了。连新出的G42都有。。。
pistol range是三个靶场里最好的。和gat的traning range条件一样。但是rifle range的距离也不能计算机控制。
价钱上20一小时。虽然牌子上写着超出的时间会多charge,但是没人看时间。俺之前两次去试枪,都打了接近两小时。每次出来,老板只问,“下面试哪把?”。。。他家的member比较坑爹。250一年,每次还要交10块。除非住的近的能保证没礼拜都去,对俺来说没意义。punch card 100块六次。有时候有促销能便宜10块,就跟maxon's一样了。另外他家的100块gift check有时候也卖90,用在punch card上能再稍微便宜点。从14年底,还出了frequent shooter card。每次去盖一个章,五次之后第六次免费,不区分用在rifle lane还是pistol lane上。
另外,俺后来去上了他家的IL CCW后八小时课。小班上课,俺这波九个人。个人觉得还不错。
而且他家还可以打slug和鹿弹,也有870可以租。Moss 500好像没有,不过maxon's倒是有。不知道真去打会不会震死一帮人。。。
应该注意的是,如果不是去租枪,最好避开周一的Free Gun Rental day。首先是人太多,staff经常忙不过来脾气就不一定太好。其次来租枪的很多都是新手,太容易出问题。这不,周一就有为女士自己打了腿。所以靶场着装还是应该强调的说。。。
McHenry woman accidentally shoots herself at Crystal Lake gun range
CRYSTAL LAKE – A 55-year-old McHenry woman was taken to an area hospital Monday after accidentally shooting her own leg, police said.
Crystal Lake police officers and fire personnel were called about 12:43 p.m. to the On Target firearms range at 560 Beechcraft Lane in Crystal Lake for a report of a gunshot wound, according to a release from police.
The woman apparently discharged a pistol accidentally while trying to remove a hot, expended shell casing that had landed inside her shirt, and “the fired bullet struck the patron’s own thigh,” the release said.
She was treated by paramedics on the scene before being taken to Centegra Hospital – McHenry for further evaluation and treatment.
No one else was injured, no criminal charges are pending and no further investigation will be conducted, the release said.