本帖最后由 firimar 于 2021-3-27 23:09 编辑
LZ看了好多youtube小视频 (MosinVirus, Jay Philip Williams, Atlas Gunworks, Midway/Brownells, etc.),还翻了几本gunsmith书 (Kuhnhausen, Sweeney, Nonte, Howe, Vickery, etc.)。
base gun: https://www.springfield-armory.com/products/1911-mil-spec-45-acp/
* not-very-high cut trigger guard, checker front strap 30 lpi with Brownells checkering file. didn't use the v shape 60 degree needle file as wife don't like too sharp checkerings
* Fit Smith & Alexander .220 beaver tail
* Fit Wilson Combat checkered MSH, by filing the bottom of the grip safety and top of MSH (so they won't interfere each other)
* Fit Wilson Combat extended single side thumb safety, reducing diameter of pin, fitting the safety strut so it can be installed and it can block action when engaged
* Fit Ed brown heavy duty slide stop, mainly just reducing diameter of pin with sandpaper
* Fit EGW match hammer, sear, disconnector. the hammer's half cock notch is catching the sear, so filed it a bit.
* Fit SVI Infinity trigger,
* Install Wilson Combat extended mag release button, stoned it a bit so it won't interfere when mag is inserted
* Heated and pulled out glued in stock ejector, and replaced with black one from spfd factory. I wanted to replace with tool steel parts but spfd frames has no ejector pin holes, and I wouldn't dare try drilling one with a hand drill. anyway, their design of ejector (with long rear leg) seems also sturdy so decided to use a factory replacement.
* Fit Wilson combat bulletproof extractor
* Replace internal mim parts, pins etc. with tool steel parts
* replace Walnut grip, and fancy grip screw
* punch out stock GI sights, hand file front and rear Novak dovetail on slide, Install Dawson Precision FO front sight & black serrated rear sight. this is very time consuming as there is a lot of metal to remove, and I am not patient enough to do all measurements with calipers frequent enough, luckily it worked out, and seems to be fitting decently.
* install wilson combat bullet proof recoil rod and ringed spring cap
* Fit Bar Sto match fit barrel and bushing
* reliability work
* reload weak .45 loads as wife didn't like .45 in the past