Wow, 如果被Brady Center 列为全国第一打击对象的话,那我一定要鼎力支持这家店啊! Mike, 这家店的新owner, 似乎很不屑于NRA的作为。有次我们讨论是否值得买NRA life membership 的时候,他很愤恨加无奈地说:“Where was the NRA when we really needed it? They aren't what they used to be..." 我还不知道他们这家店还有这么一段历史啊。 不过Straw purchase 这种事儿真得很头疼, 应该严惩买家啊。
Agree... I tried to locate a gun range that will allow out-of-state gun owners to bring IL residents to shoot. Everywhere requires a stupid FOID, or is very expensive.
If that's true, why not register your permanent address in WI and obtain a WI driver's license? That way, you are free of IL's stupid firearm laws since you are not an IL residence.
I'm a MI CPL holder, I don't live in IL and don't have FOID, though I'm legally allowed to keep pistols in my car. I want to take Illinois friends to gun range. Haven't found a viable solution yet... McMiller is too far away from the Chicago area where they live.