HB1739 并没有禁止造自用的untraceable firearm
http://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/bi ... 739-S.SL.pdf#page=1
RCW 9.41.190
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful for any person to:
(d) Manufacture an untraceable firearm with the intent to sell the untraceable firearm.
RCW 9.41.325
Undetectable or untraceable firearms—Penalties.
(1) No person may knowingly or recklessly allow, facilitate, aid, or abet the manufacture or assembly of an undetectable firearm or untraceable firearm by a person who: (a) Is ineligible under state or federal law to possess a firearm; or (b) has signed a valid voluntary waiver of firearm rights that has not been revoked under RCW 9.41.350. For purposes of this provision, the failure to conduct a background check as provided in RCW 9.41.113 shall be prima facie evidence of recklessness.
这个条款太狠了 卖家风险大 所以就不卖WA算了