这就是G-Sight官方让你做的啊,因为他们的弹可能不完全跟每个枪都吻合,如果底火跟击针存在一点距离导致有时候激光不亮,他们建议你把那个back cap底座盖子拧松1/4圈试试,还不行就再拧1/4圈,可以这么拧6次(总共一圈半):
The Laser doesn't always seem to be activated when I pull the trigger. What can I do to make it work?
Due to the design and tolerance differences in the firearms, the nominal cartridge length may be slightly too short for your firearm to activate the laser reliably. First check if that is the case by pressing down the Back Cap using your finger tip to verify the working condition of the cartridge. Then slowly rotate the Back Cap by 1/4 rotation to see if that improves the activation mechanism without damaging your firearm. You may repeat the 1/4 rotation for up to 6 times (for a total of 1 1/2 rotations,) provided that it causes no damages to your firearm or the cartridge.
-- https://www.g-sight.com/pages/faq-cartridge