本帖最后由 highhope 于 2020-11-4 08:18 编辑
本文主要讨论实用射击(practical/action pistol)比赛中或类似高速rapid fire射击情况下的预读弹着点技术,融合了通常意义上的瞄准和扳机控制,同时适用于红点和铁瞄。先来看 Ben Stoeger书里的定义:
“ Shot Calling is the act of knowing, with as much certainty as possible, where a shot you fired will hit the moment you fire it. ” 就是说这是一项扣动扳机后就知道子弹将会打在哪里的技术,而不是打完打哪里随机的佛系打法。
但是如何knowing呢,那就是完全靠的激发前那一刻1.Sight picture以及2.扳机手指的触觉携带的信息。Sight picture 这里指的是,枪的瞄具和靶子形成的整体图像,主要是他们的相对位置。简单来说就是你的瞄具本身对没对齐,往哪边偏,前瞄或红点在靶子上什么位置。我们知道实用射击跟等bullseye精度射击不同,是无时不刻在平衡准确度和速度的射击运动,在高速射击时sight picture无法也没有必要保持每发完美,而是不断变化的动态平衡。。
所以我理解Call shots技术的本质就是在每发子弹激发时,大脑加一个有意识的清晰的主动判断。
1 判断前瞄或红点在靶子的什么位置。
2 针对铁瞄,判断前后瞄的对正关系,从而判断打击位置偏不偏离瞄准位置。。
3 判断扣扳机有没有在控制内,有没有jerking the trigger。Rob Leatham说过“Aiming is useless!!” 下半句是如果你瞎扣扳机的话。。
Call shots其实包括两方面:
- call sight picture
- call 扳机控制
Call shots本质上是 mindfulness,要生活在开枪那一刻,要集中感官感觉在开枪时最重要的地方,看 “sight picture”, 触摸“trigger”,要对自己诚实。在没有时间压力下射击,你有足够的时间来主动判断,所以call shots在低速时候并不难,难就难在rapid fire和射击移动靶的短时间内的判断。比如action pistol比赛中,transition和double shots 的split都在0.1-0.3s量级,这么短的时间内,不经过训练,大脑无法做出正确判断。通过干火和大量实弹来缩短判断时间,当时间缩短到0.1s之内或更短,也就真的学会了call shots,比赛中就能用了。你不需要掌握shot calling就打能到USPSA Master,甚至在major match里赢一两个stage,但是如果不会shot calling,就不可能持续而可控的打出好成绩。
Call shots不是看靶子弹孔,是看sight picuture,而且看弹孔不是一个好习惯。
Call和打可以认为是两个独立的事情,call的时候大脑认为枪100%准就像激光,指哪打哪。而实际打哪是对于这个激光的偏离。所以call和打并不矛盾。稍稍不太准也可以练call,call总比不call强。。练call的同时也可以提高射击准确性,帮助纠正扳机控制的错误,相辅相成。在一定射击基础上就可以练习shot calling了,因为低速时候并不困难,并非只是高手才会的上乘武功。。
Shot calling对action pistol射击有什么帮助?夸张一点基本就是睁着眼睛打和盲打的区别,有效减少mike 和D,指导身体微调提高transition准确性和扳机控制。因为学会了call shots,你必然可以更清晰的意识到sight picuture开枪前的偏差,而只有意识到才能微调,让瞄准更精细。顺带提高打击移动靶的能力和shooting on move 的水平。
如何练习shot calling?
既然call shots本质是超短时间的主动判断,那么就围绕着缩短判断时间和提升判断准确性练习。初练可以从红点入手,因为判断简单,只要判断激发时刻红点在靶子位置就行,铁瞄要复杂很多。首先不能眨眼,要看到实际的sight picture。
1. 实弹,可以学习 Travis Tomasie的方法,拿两个同样靶子,一个放在20yd之外你看不见弹孔的地方(或者把downrange的靶子放在一张打满弹孔的旧靶子后面。),一个放在手边。每打一枪在旁边靶子上标出你判断的point of impact,然后拿望远镜或去down range比较,反思。
实弹drill,可以练习如下几个:Distance Changeup (far to near), Wide transitions (set up some close targets and a mix of open/partials)
2. 干火,我是这样练的,在地下室,车库墙上贴上1/2或1/3大小的靶子,设计小stage。然后用全速射击stage(全速为除去recoil你能达到或稍稍超过你的实际水平的速度,这样你的sight picture虽不是完美的也并非失控),同时在每次扣动扳机时,大脑主动判断加call back “偏中(四声), 中中,偏偏,mike 卧槽,补。。。。”等等。
在这样的训练下,会提升你的shot calling 能力,不再盲打。
附上大师Brian Enos 关于shot calling语录
No matter whether your hitting, pinning, mashing, slapping, milking or squeezing the trigger, if you start from the beginning - Calling each shot is the single most important goal you will ever have as a shooter - and always bear that goal in mind, you will improve and continue to improve faster than you will by doing anything else. But people don't get that and they just want to shoot fast. How would you approach a practice session if your only goal was to call each shot - without seeing the hits on the target? You might have to start all over. Make this your practice goal: When you're done shooting a stage, you should know your score on all the targets before you look at them. Don't try anything else. There should be no difference in mentality between calling the first shot or calling the second shot on a target. After you've mastered the first axiom, then add the second axiom of IPSC to your shooting: Do it all as quickly as possible. Now, technically, let that dictate your grip, stance, and overall position. Don't try to shoot fast until you know how to shoot. be ================================ Or test this approach to learn shot calling. Empty your mind of any idea of what shot calling means or is. Go to the range with nothing in your mind that you're going to try. Set up a paper target far enough away so you can't see the bullet holes. Then just do this: Aim at the target and fire one shot, then lower the pistol and say in your mind precisely where the bullet the target. Then look through binoculars and see where the shot really went. If the bullet hole isn't where you thought it would be - or if you couldn't even say or guess where it should be - repeat that process until you can say where the bullet hit the target without looking at the target, consistently and without doubt. As a shooter, this is the most important thing you'll ever learn. be ================================ I was talking with BigJoni (my daugher), explaining "calling the shot," and thought of a new way of relating it to "sight picture." I was explaining sight picture - the relationship of the front sight to the rear sight, and the relationship of that to the target - when she asked, "Does 'calling the shot' happen before you fire the shot or after the shot fires"? That was a great question. Because the answer gets you looking in the right place. Sight picture is always taught as what you see before the gun fires. Her question made me see that that explanation is incomplete. What if sight picture were always taught as what you saw until the moment the front sight lifted in recoil. Now that's a whole new world to look in to. It's always fun to see for the first time what's been right in front of your face all along.”
Not Blinking & Calling the Shot, again...
https://forums.brianenos.com/top ... nts#comment-2893214
另外一个有用的帖子:https://forums.brianenos.com/top ... nts#comment-2967724