选870和500的marine是很聪明的做法。我买的新870,但receiver有生锈的问题,后来我自己喷漆,好了。现在的blueing质量和以前的质量稍差一点, police maganum 和 wingmaster 型号的图层处理比一般的870都要要强。所以,要么marine,要么police mag,要么wingmaster coverted to tactical model.
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mossberg 和 beneli我不熟悉。 这个价位你也可以买mossberg 590。shotgun with a bayonet, how cool is that?
ghost ring or red dot sight on a shot gun is good to have, but, a bead sight works just fine.
If you are in some states that it is easier to deck out a shotgun than dressing up an AR, go with whatever accessories you like to put on a shotgun.
If you can get an AR without limitations, it can get a lot more fun.
good luck on whatever you choose.