本帖最后由 AUV 于 2013-11-8 11:34 编辑
Izaak Walton League of America, Rockville Chapter.
18301 Waring Station Road,
Germantown, MD 20874, USA
手枪50 yds,
Eight shooting positions; open Saturday and Sunday afternoons to all who successfully passed our range safety class and their guests; manned by two range officers. Targets can be placed in the provided stands at 7 yards, 50 feet, 25 yards and 50 yards.
Firearms allowed at this range include any pistol up to .50 cal, rifles chambered in pistol calibers, .30 M1 carbine, rifles loaded with black powder cartridges up to .50 cal., muzzleloader rifles and smooth-bores up to 10GA, and shotguns up to 12GA only loaded with slugs or sabots.
No full-auto or selective-fire guns are allowed on any of our ranges.
All shooting must be done from a fixed position and it is not allow to draw from a holster.
步枪138 yds
Targets shall be placed on the designated area of the backer boards placed at the 50-yard, 100-yard or 138-yard positions.
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