本帖最后由 cjw065 于 2016-7-29 08:11 编辑
这个是当初 park ridge 的新闻,根本就没提cook county , 和cook county 没啥关系。
After hearing strong opposition from residents Monday night, Park Ridge aldermen agreed not to pursue any restrictions or bans on assault weapons.
"The state should have leadership on this, and the laws they put in place are what we should follow," said Ald. Joseph Sweeney, 1st, at a Park Ridge Committee of the Whole meeting. "I don't think we need to create any new laws for the city."
Like many municipalities in the Chicago area, the prospect of restricting assault weapons came up before Park Ridge aldermen by way of a recently approved state bill allowing licensed firearms owners to carry concealed weapons in the state.
While the bill preempts any municipal regulations on carrying concealed handguns, a caveat of the bill allows local governments to restrict or ban assault weapons within 10 days of the governor signing the law.
..... Park Ridge's move effectively ends discussion on assault weapons there.